These rocks contained cavities or vugs which were later filled with a variety of minerals including the blue pectolite.
Boulders and boulder debris from the cliffs contain crevices and cavities where the penguins nest.
It contains large cyst-like cavities containing watery fluid.
The standard upsetting machine employs split dies that contain multiple cavities.
A magnetron's copper anode block, containing resonant cavities from which the operation of the device could be deduced, could survive large demolition charges.
It often contains fluid-filled cavities, probably due to its rapid growth.
Some existing catalysts, including natural enzymes, contain indentations and cavities that might be mimicked by synthetic compounds related to carcerands.
Where there is abundant gas in erupting magma the resulting lava contains numerous gas-filled vesicles, or cavities, and has a sponge-like form known as scoria.
The basalt cliffs of Partridge Island contain small cavities formed when gases escaped as the lava cooled.
The upper part of the limestone shaft extends above the fuel compartments and its walls contain separate cavities filled with coal dust.