The stetson-wearing goon takes his pack, telling the others to shoot Polgas if the pack didn't contain bundles of bills.
At one end of the room, in a recess, were a number of barrels, piled one upon another, containing bundles of official documents.
A year later, Leslie receives a hefty box in the mail containing bundles of hundred dollar bills.
As the sergeant went to get a screwdriver, Detectives Arroyo and Young got the trunk open "and saw a brown bag containing bundles of money."
Thumb pulled open a drawer that contained bundles of cash.
The fill contained bundles and intertwined vegetal fibers, earth, rock, and garbage (Silverman 1986: 187).
They dropped a sixpence in a bag that contained packets and bundles of letters.
The archivolt of the arch contains bundles of spears tied with different elements.
The remaining two drawers contained tightly rolled bundles of five- and ten-pound notes and Cellophane bags with little squares of paper inside.
He peeked in the window - two rows of layettes containing bundles topped by pink heads.