It contains many government offices, corporate skyscrapers, and regional amenities.
The lower level of the main building contains other amenities such as a community centre and library.
In the southeast corner, a 2-storey section contains stairs, amenities, and an office.
The area contains most necessary amenities, including a library, bank and local shops.
A large one-story frame wing was added in 1975, containing modern amenities.
The Cadillac contained amenities, including a small bar that snapped open now from behind the front seat.
Mason city contained a hospital, post office, electricity and other amenities along with a population of 3,000.
It also contains special amenities, such as a fitness center and three restaurants.
The 36th floor will contain residential amenities and a two-story open air terrace.
It was proclaimed in 1971 and contains no visitor facilities or amenities.