If you are not insured, try contacting private organizations for aid and assistance.
I only contacted organizations or individuals such as yourself who have the financial resources to meet my minimum bid.
You can learn more about them at a career center, college, or library or by contacting organizations that employ computer workers.
I'd suggest you contact organizations working in Dadaab /.
You can also contact professional organizations that represent the type of practitioner you are seeking.
They contacted day-care providers, groups for the elderly, and organizations that offer afterschool programs, all of which provide services the coalition says the community lacks.
In addition, you may contact organizations of and for individuals with specific disabilities in your area and consult www.disabilitydirect.gov.
The reaction began to taper off once the company contacted pro-choice organizations.
Unsuccessful at first, Mr. Hertwig and a few friends contacted civic groups and organizations trying to acquaint them with his idea.