I contacted Microsoft and was told the only way to get around this was to make a second account.
Now in need of an upgrade, Apple contacted Microsoft and asked for help.
The user must then contact Microsoft by telephone to obtain a new activation code.
The statement ended by encouraging fans to contact Microsoft among other firms about their desire to see more titles like those which Working Designs had built its reputation on.
Reader: It wouldn't do any harm to contact Microsoft; if anything hopefully it will raise more awareness about the issue.
LEO: I suppose we should contact Microsoft and ask them what they think about this.
Hell, i wonder how many have ended up contacting Microsoft because their recently bought boxed office set was already claimed by some downloader with a keygen.
A. Windows XP can be set to automatically contact Microsoft in search of system updates, patches and security fixes.
That's one of the things it needs is to be able to contact Microsoft because it's checking the Windows components versus Microsoft's Windows Update database.
NBC then contacted Microsoft about the possibility of a joint move.