Webster, the consummate master of words, was distressed.
Chopin, for all his outsize technique at the piano, was among the most concise and epigrammatic of great composers, a consummate master of small scale.
In the publishing industry, he is considered a consummate master of marketing.
He was a consummate master at persuasion, it seemed, working quietly behind the scenes, a cautious visionary, yet willing to take a bold, calculated risk.
Although Corvan was not born a Geordie, he was considered "a consummate master of the patois of Tyneside".
He became known as "a consummate master of building according to medieval precedent".
Giovanni Villani says that he was a great philosopher and a consummate master of rhetoric, not only in knowing how to speak well, but how to write well.
But Mr. Brown, consummate master of the political game, has never been known to say never and truly mean it.
In the midst of razzmatazz musical arrangements exploding around her, she sang with the speaking simplicity that can come only from a consummate master.
Walter Legge once said that Karajan was not interested in politics, except of the musical variety, of which he was to become a consummate master.