Retailers have called their Christmas season the worst since the 1990-91 recession, as consumers deeply in debt shunned almost everything that was not marked down.
At their urging, 13 states passed laws to help protect farmers and food companies from criticism that could lead consumers to shun their products.
Also, consumers are increasingly shunning stores where goods cost five and six times what they would in just about any other industrial society.
And when recording companies did offer downloads, they were so expensive and limited that consumers shunned them.
With consumers shunning the malls, the nation's storekeepers have had the good sense to keep their prices flat.
If that proves true, frightened consumers could shun cheese, too.
Worried by the crisis in the gulf, consumers shunned department stores and auto showrooms.
I am sure that consumers would shun mahogany products, especially when there are perfectly good types of wood to choose from.
Holiday sales were strongest for new digital products while consumers shunned older technology.
But consumers may shun, or favor, products from particular countries for many reasons.