Primary consumers rely upon primary production as a main food source.
A consumer can rely on print, visual and voice media for getting information.
Surveys consistently show that consumers rely heavily on friends and family when making healthcare decisions.
In cities and suburbs, many consumers rely on propane for cooking.
And it's an industry that will enable consumers to drive to work, just like we're doing today, but not rely on foreign sources of oil.
If consumers rely on float, they need to be more cautious.
One of alternative medicine's biggest problems is that its practitioners and consumers rely too much on such faith.
It's one of the most discussed (and controversial) commodities that consumers rely on daily.
"Here, consumers rely heavily on digital subscriber lines from phone operators; they don't really have a choice."
It would be a good thing if, within the European single market at least, there were one environmental symbol on which the consumer could rely.