After getting used to mobile headsets, many consumers now opt for telephone headsets around the house.
A consumer can now opt out of the standard practice of their banks or loan companies selling their information to others.
If all this proves too complicated, consumers can opt to pay more for GM-free products available in special shops.
One key criterion for provisioning is that the consumer opts into the service.
The wall text explains that consumers "opt in" when they "allow advertisers to send them messages."
"When offered a choice, consumers opt for a generic drug almost 90 percent of the time in chain drug stores," the report said.
"But our research shows that the consumer will opt for convenience over what is environmentally pure," she added.
Will consumers and advertisers opt for the television set or the personal computer as the preferred delivery system?
The question is: how often does a consumer opt to buy just one or two songs off an album rather than buy the whole thing?
He said consumers are opting for "budget" policies that either have large excess payments or exclude outpatient treatment.