The government should have the authority to address consumer harm or anti-competitive activity coming from anywhere.
In his fact-finding document last November, Judge Jackson concluded with an impassioned embrace of the innovation theory of consumer harm.
If the record shows a clear pattern of consumer harm or discriminatory behavior, then the odds increase that the FCC will involve itself in the controversial issue.
Take the issue of consumer harm.
It's a mighty powerful story about consumer harm and predatory practices.
They have also caused less direct, but nevertheless serious and far-reaching, consumer harm by distorting competition.
When as a result of foreclosure rival companies become less effective competitors, consumer harm may result.
Download a summary of the key contract terms that are most likely to cause consumer harm (PDF, 73K).
But he said an antitrust standard - of consumer harm because of restricting ownership forms - did not exist.
"If there is some potential consumer harm, it is obviously of some interest to us."