Tablets, he added, "allow consumers to serendipitously discover and consume media in every room of the house."
Find&Save is a discovery shopping marketplace where consumers can discover merchandise and sales from their local retailers.
Further, when problems arise, consumers discover that the names are not in telephone directories and may be unknown to consumer agencies.
But it has not necessarily worked that way, as consumers have been discovering in the last few weeks.
Perhaps the biggest risk is that consumers will discover the joy of saving.
Let's face it: by the time even the most vigilant consumer discovers his information has been used fraudulently, it's already too late.
But Detroit's new, longer warranties will add costs and risk resentment when consumers discover how limited they actually are.
The consumer will never discover what he has eaten.
That will in fact be the point at which consumers discover the euro and with it perhaps a greater understanding of the Community's economic system.
In the 1980s, Japanese consumers were discovering the advantages of catalog shopping, which offered not only convenience but also greater selection and lower prices.