In this way, both advertisers and consumers come away satisfied.
In the growth markets, however, consumers have come to expect even more variety, increased service and lower prices.
Still, a determined consumer can come away with the best price.
When consumers come to your Web site looking for a product, they are ready to buy it now.
"Do you know how many tourists and out-of-state consumers come into the city in the weeks before Christmas?"
That was because consumers had not yet come to consider price increases of 4 to 5 percent as noninflationary.
Seventy percent of Mexicans are under 35, which means that some two million new adult consumers come on line every year.
The reason they do this is simple - because that's what consumers have come to expect.
After Sept. 11 both consumer and business spending came to an abrupt halt.
By 2007, loaded with debt, America's 300m consumers came to account for nearly 20pc of global demand.