According to findings from the Nurses' Health Study, women who consume nuts five or more times a week are 35 percent less likely to suffer heart attacks than women who rarely eat nuts.
The bushy-tailed woodrat prefers green vegetation (leaves, needles, shoots), but it will also consume twigs, fruits, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, and some animal matter.
The caterpillars, notably those of the codling moth, Laspeyresia pomonella, are destructive orchard pests, with many of them consuming fruits, nuts, roots and sometimes foliage.
A great deal of tooth wear has been observed in Ganlea, which has been viewed as an adaptation for consuming nuts and seeds, similar to the modern Saki monkey.
All types of grain and grain-products are consumed as well as nuts, animal skins, beans, paper and wood, cacao and chocloate, dead insects and other animals, dried fruit and vegetable matter, excrement, feathers and hair, and some living plants.
People in Iran consume roasted nuts for special events, for example, during New Year parties.
When feeding on land they consume seeds, leaves, nuts and acorns, berries, fruit, insects, worms, snails, small reptiles, mammals and birds.
While a meat-eater earlier in life, he later consumed huge quantities of fruit, nuts and raw vegetables, as well as drinking 11 pints of milk a day.
They also consume seeds and nuts, particularly in the winter.
Several epidemiological studies have revealed that people who consume nuts regularly are less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease (CHD).