Overwhelmed with depression, Vincent consumes alcohol and cocaine in his hotel room.
He was in the nightclub all the time, consuming cocaine in large quantities and handing out bags of cocaine to patrons of the club.
Sheridan, who claims to be a teetotaller, reportedly drank champagne and consumed cocaine during an extramarital liaison.
According to New York Daily News, Rivera performed and consumed cocaine at drug cartel parties in 2009.
They observed Wilson consuming cocaine with several other people.
Herring later stated that he had consumed beer, cocaine, marijuana, and prescription drugs before the crimes committed on May 31, 1999.
Many of his missed concerts were due to what he called "triathlon", consuming whiskey, cocaine and marijuana before the gig.
It was alleged that, in consuming cocaine during her pregnancy, she had delivered a controlled substance to a minor via the umbilical cord.
"Those who consume cocaine are contributing to the assassination of my people by the criminal drug cartels."
The 26 year old donor had died of heart failure in December 2004 after consuming cocaine and ecstasy.