Todd had earlier consulted a psychiatrist and had been prescribed anti-depressants.
At such times you need to turn to a wise and experienced adviser who might well have steered you clear of the mistake had he been consulted earlier.
But both said they should have been consulted earlier about Davids Island.
There is no choice, though guests are consulted about likes and dislikes earlier in the day, and it is very good value at £12 a head.
In retrospect, Alksnis notes that this resolution could have become a coup d'état had Pavlov consulted with them earlier.
Some were said to be annoyed at not having been consulted earlier.
He said later that he had not been consulted earlier by the Yankees on the matter.
Stackhouse said the players needed to be consulted earlier.
"I'd have knocked that intriguing woman's brains out at the very first possible opportunity, had I been consulted earlier than this."
With the benefit of hindsight, with which we are all much wiser, it would perhaps have been sensible if I had consulted honourable Members earlier.