It also has an elected parish council, with mostly consultative functions.
The Academy was recognized in a consultative function by the Council of Europe, but the status was withdrawn because of the Academy's failure to comply with its obligations.
Furthermore, in one or two member states there exists a category of local authorities which, because of their small size, have only minor or consultative functions.
The chambers also have a consultative function; this means the chambers must be consulted whenever a new law related to industry or commerce is proposed.
The second part of the project would amalgamate the Senate and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council into one new senate having a consultative function and no blocking power.
The decree's description of the Security Council's consultative functions was especially vague and wide-ranging, although it positioned the head of the Security Council directly subordinate to the president.
He later states that in the reign of Murad II, Molla Fenari began to perform "a consultative function" for the sultan.
The development of the role of the Ombudsman institution has resulted in a gradual shift in the thrust of these activities from a punitive to an advisory and consultative function.
In this sense, the functional approach can be understood as providing "motivational and consultative functions that enable shared leadership but have not been adequately developed by the team internally."
Almost all significant local government functions are carried out by Bath and North East Somerset, a unitary authority, but Westfield also has its own parish council, with mostly consultative functions.