Southampton Town will hire consultants to conduct the study in the very near future, town officials said.
The Tasmanian Government employed the Finnish consultants, Sweco Pic, to conduct an environmental impact assessment of the proposed mill.
While Safecard - or, more precisely, its consultants - had conducted market research, only minimal test-marketing of the card had been done.
The executive director of the authority, John H. Shafer, said consultants would conduct hydraulic and hydrologic studies.
One planning board member noted that the consultants had conducted part of the traffic study on a Saturday during President's Day weekend, presumably a day when many people were out of town.
The authority said it and its technical consultant, Battelle Institute, have conducted "extensive post-accident tests" for an analysis to be completed this spring.
The acoustical consultant for the restoration, Abe Melzer, has conducted measurements that show Weill performing well at the lower and midrange frequencies but exaggerating the higher ones.
Since competition in the field is growing, prospective consultants should also conduct market research to determine the feasibility of launching a practice in their geographic area.
Under its agreement with the government, American Home will hire consultants to conduct detailed inspections at the two factories.
As required by those actions, independent consultants will conduct the reviews of foreclosures and determine whether errors, misrepresentations, or other deficiencies resulted in financial injury.