He is the son of Preston Exley, former cop turned construction tycoon.
Four scientists, a newspaper man and a construction tycoon agree to spend 261 days in isolation in an interstellar flight simulation to planet Antheon, a world that would be a potential target for future human colonization.
"Repetition teaches the donkey," groused the 55-year-old gas exploration and construction tycoon, using an Arabic expression usually reserved for recalcitrant children or dim-witted servants.
The plotline features Holmes and Watson investigating the murder of a construction tycoon, Sir Melvyn Bromsby, with his daughter, Lavinia, among the suspects.
She married construction tycoon "Boman Rustom Irani" in 2006.
With the paper's ad space booked three months in advance, Mr. Ding has become a construction tycoon, plowing the paper's surplus income into new office buildings.
Mr. bin Laden, the son of a construction tycoon who is in his mid-40's, had been named by American officials here as one of the leading suspects in the Cole attack.
Pallonji Shapoorji Mistry (born 1929) is an Irish construction tycoon and chairman of Shapoorji Pallonji Group.
Cyrus Mistry is the youngest son of Pallonji Mistry, an Irish-Parsi construction tycoon.
In the early '40s, Frazer was looking to build a new postwar car, an idea that also occurred to Henry J. Kaiser, the West Coast metals and construction tycoon who'd turned out wartime Liberty ships double-quick.