In 2010, the Swedish government opened up for construction of new nuclear reactors.
Others believe the construction of new reactors should be made contingent on solving the nuclear waste problem.
Switzerland and Spain have banned the construction of new reactors.
A referendum in 1976 committed the government to halt construction of further reactors, but to allow the existing ones to serve out their operating lives.
It was used in construction of first nuclear reactors.
The Belgian government in 2003 passed legislation banning the construction of new reactors for power generation.
The construction of new reactors was halted and the last operating reactor was closed in 1990.
In our opinion, the EU should not subsidize the construction of other reactors as compensation for this.
No EU funds should go towards the construction of new reactors.
A survey conducted in April 2011 found that 64 percent of Americans opposed the construction of new nuclear reactors.