In mid-2007 construction of an interchange started at the intersection with Calgary Trail / Gateway Boulevard, expected to be completed in 2011.
Since the construction of an interchange near Burj Dara, Hafizabad is now just 22 kilometers away from the M2 motorway.
The first major work on the freeway after it opened was the construction of a new interchange in South Perth in the 1970s.
The construction of a four-level interchange to accommodate the growing northwest side has been completed.
The plan also shows the construction of an interchange at Loop 1604.
Putnam County has called for the construction of an actual interchange at Pudding Street.
The 19th-century cemetery, which received the dead from a poorhouse, a mental hospital and a penitentiary, blocks construction of an interchange between exits 15E and 16E.
In the late 1980s, the southern intersection of Routes 187 and 189 was modified slightly with the construction of a new interchange, resulting in a slight re-routing.
Shippee Road was relocated to the southeast, allowing for the future construction of an interchange.
Phase 5 will be the construction of an interchange between US 113 and MD 12 in Snow Hill.