They say that the construction will disrupt community life and that the revamped station will throw off too much noise and create dangerous electromagnetic fields.
There is no dispute that construction would disrupt the center's work.
Others opposed MetroMoves because they didn't like the price tag, thought construction would disrupt neighborhoods, or they simply favored other transit options.
That construction has disrupted regular service from another tunnel.
The construction of the plant would disrupt Van Cortlandt only temporarily.
However, Judge Emory Speer refused to vacate that building, insisting that only an addition was necessary and major construction would disrupt the court.
Environmentalists say the construction of disposal pits, which would be visible from some roads, would scar the mountainside and disrupt wildlife.
Residents are also concerned that the construction, expected to take more than three years, will disrupt the neighborhood.
Many residents say the construction has made traffic problems worse, disrupted their sleep and shaken the foundations of their homes.
The construction of the transcontinental railroad disrupted this migratory pattern because the buffalo would not cross it, and millions died as a result.