The construction of the City Hall coincides with this decree, thus qualifying the building as a landmark to the founding of Ponce.
This building's design and construction have coincided with the waning of a period when American architecture spectacularly lost its way.
The construction and opening of this line coincided with the then new Auckland Railway Station.
The construction of the house coincided with the extension of the National Pike through the Cooksville area.
Its construction coincided with an improvement in the industrial region south of the 39th Street ferry, between 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue.
The construction of the pedestrian mall along Main Street downtown coincided with the decentralization of the region's population and retail market.
Indeed, I-91's construction in Springfield coincided with the beginning of that city's four decades of decline.
The airport's construction would reportedly coincide with a local government plan to build the area into a 'tourist town'.
Their construction coincides with the view of one of Florida's seven Supreme Court justices.
The shape and construction coincides with the sewn boats, but instead of sewing needle and thread, it is assembled with wooden treenails.