Using vision as the primary sense for constructing reality may cause one to miss complex and hidden nuances of existence, limiting perception.
According to George Ritzer, Breaching experiments are experiments where "social reality is violated in order to shed light on the methods by which people construct social reality."
The theoretical basis for such a position is the so-called linguistic turn in philosophy, seeing language as constructing reality.
But his procedures in this experiment puzzle Mr. Geison, who talks of scientists constructing reality, not just interpreting facts.
"Financial accounting: in communicating reality, we construct reality", Accounting, Organizations and Society.
They are constructed reality.
Sontag writes of her concern that the ability to censor pictures means the photographer has the ability to construct reality.
He felt the mercurial potential of his physical being, and strived to construct reality out of mere possibility.
These are two distinct ways of constructing reality based on external artifacts.
"In my work," she says, "ideal means not to exclude the ugliness; it means to construct reality."