Every crisis offers opportunities to destroy the weak and outdated structures and construct new ones.
At the start of the 13th century they broke down the Idrisid city walls and constructed new ones, which covered a much wider space.
During the 20th century, the university purchased land around these buildings and constructed new ones to enable expansion.
Places a measure on the November ballot that would authorize the state to spend $2.4 billion on repairing schools and constructing new ones.
There is also the question of whether to convert existing coal-burning plants or to construct new ones.
Caldwell indicated in late April 2002 that his government would focus infrastructural funds on repairing existing schools, rather than constructing new ones.
When the tube walls have been mostly eaten down, the larvae will abandon their tubes and begin constructing new ones.
Efforts to preserve the system began in 1920, when ejido owners turned over land to construct new ones.
This article begins with the simplest operations, then uses them to construct more sophisticated ones.
These, however, proved to be so heavy that he discarded them and constructed new ones of aluminum.