This survey also shows a new bridge constructed at the location of the current one.
The townsite of Woodfibre was soon constructed at the remote location, which was accessible only by boat.
Benn stated that a similar development would be constructed at the location of the airport.
In 1922, a new building was constructed at the current location on South Center Avenue.
A third church, built of stone, was constructed at the same location in 1771.
Subsequently a fort was constructed at the location of the present Buckingham parish church.
This light remained in operation till the new lighthouse tower was constructed at the present location during 1975-76.
He was hanged on gallows constructed specifically for that purpose, at the location of the camp Gestapo.
In the years 1502-1503 there were plans to construct the first bridge at the current location.
In October 1954 a new one-story building was constructed at the original location.