While politicians here concede that constitutional hurdles and potentially years of legal battles lie ahead, they say the need for prayer has never been clearer.
An impeachment process is still wending its way to the floor of the Parliament, even though its chances of clearing the constitutional hurdles remain slight.
A fine would require Mr. Clinton's consent, to avoid constitutional hurdles, and many lawmakers feel that bringing him to the floor for a scolding would demean the Presidency.
The decision made clear that "there are still many constitutional hurdles ahead in the battle to protect children from online pornography," he said.
Treating every official use of race as akin to racism, the Supreme Court erects virtually insurmountable constitutional hurdles against all race-conscious government action.
It would also require Mr. Clinton to pay a financial penalty of an undisclosed sum, an action that would need his consent to clear constitutional hurdles.
Mr. Menem, 67, may even be able to run for a third term, although he faces constitutional hurdles.
The Court goes on, however, to erect a new constitutional hurdle in the path of these conditions.
Democrats say they would be open to the President negotiating a fine, to get around constitutional hurdles.
That would need his consent to clear constitutional hurdles.