He could not overstep his constitutional bounds, and yet, he could not preserve his policies with a liberal majority within the Chamber of Deputies.
In 1876, despite still being within constitutional bounds, the state of Wisconsin repealed the law in attempts to spur economic growth brought about by railroad construction.
Where a legislative provision was reasonably capable of a meaning that placed it within constitutional bounds, it should be preserved.
In an interview this week, Chief Byrd denied any wrongdoing and said he had never overstepped his constitutional bounds.
It emphatically closed by stressing that the search for the truth must be within constitutional bounds, for "ours is still a government of laws and not of men."
Moreover, many feel that the Government exceeded constitutional bounds by interfering with a judicial decision.
Mr. Scarfo is trying to have the computer evidence thrown out, arguing that the authorities overstepped constitutional bounds.
"We respectfully believe the executive determination exceeds the constitutional bounds for federal authority."
That 5-to-3 ruling said Mr. Bush had overstepped his constitutional bounds by establishing the commissions without Congressional authorization.
"Those who wish to participate in a practice of official prayer must be willing to stay within constitutional bounds."