The order's constitution dictates that three people are automatically made Companions to the order: the monarch, the Governor General, and his or her spouse.
The constitution expressly dictated that the legislative function should be remunerated.
The constitution dictates the different legal responsibilities of each respective branch of government.
Among other references, the constitution furthermore dictated that criminal indictments were to conclude "against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth."
Mr. Young recently returned from Rwanda, where he said a new constitution dictates that a percentage of candidates who lose elections be seated anyway in Parliament, where 30 percent of the members are women.
The constitution also dictates that the president is elected directly by the people to a single four-year term.
Although the king was unmarried and had no legal heir, Tongan constitution and culture dictate that it was not possible for him to raise his illegitimate daughter to higher ranks in the monarchy.
The new constitution dictated that the collective would only be allowed to elect members to the Board of Directors.
Despite the fact that the Ethiopian constitution dictates a multi-party system, Meles' full control of the military forces seemingly promoted the reality of a single-party state.
The revised constitution dictated the Second Republic to take the form of a parliamentary cabinet system where the President took only a nominal role.