As of 2011, air arrivals constitute only about 1.4% of all visitors, down from 38% in 1974 during the frontier closure.
That number is one-fourth of the estimated total of 8,000 who constituted the armed force during the war, he said.
Westray constituted a major family estate during the saga period.
They constituted the largest number of Sabbateans during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Bentō, boxed meals in Japan, are very common and constitute an important ritual during lunch.
Privateers constituted a large proportion of the total military force at sea during the 17th and 18th centuries.
This constituted 1.2 percent of the total number of marriages in Belgium during that period.
Art, always a speculative venture, constituted the best return on investment for some during the 80's - provided it sold at all.
The seventeenth century minor metaphysical poets constituted my specialty, during my school years.
I believe that the mission constituted the most credible observer voice during these critical times in Zimbabwe.