These structures are unstable, however, and their constituent particles must eventually annihilate.
The topological inhibition to flow by the crowding of constituent particles is a key element in these systems.
A glass is any amorphous solid, having no regularly repeating order to its constituent particles.
Replies: A compressional wave traveling through a material cannot propagate into a vacuum, because the constituent particles do not have anything to "push against".
But the ghostly figure was already fading, its grainy envelope beginning to dissolve back into the constituent particles of dust.
The constituent particles of an atom are the electron, the proton and the neutron.
Its albedo was dismayingly low; most of the constituent particles were a dowdy grey.
This crowding of the constituent particles prevents them from exploring phase space, making the aggregate material behave as a solid.
Their constituent particles, however, are considerably smaller.
It would have been resolved into its sub-atomic constituent particles and waves.