The organization is governed by a board of trustees elected by their constituent organization, the Ellen G. White Estate board of trustees.
One of the oldest constituent organizations in the UJS is the Liverpool Jewish Students' Society.
The national media campaign called "November 2" and the constituent organizations helped voters find new ways to get involved in the elections.
Apart from the 157 delegates of the constituent organizations there were also two delegates from Östergötland present.
Leaders of the center's constituent organizations who attended said afterward that they discussed issues raised by the Met, including how the huge project would be shaped and administered.
Its Annual Council Meeting (ACM), where organisational issues and policy directives are decided, is hosted by a different constituent organisation each year.
The NLU had no integral structure of its own; its constituent organizations were autonomous, and the federation could do little more than agitate, pass resolutions, or offer advice.
The society has relatively few direct members, with most membership being via constituent organisations.
The center's constituent organizations receive operating money from a common pool, called the consolidated corporate fund, that is administered by Mr. Leventhal's office.
Lincoln Center and its surrounding community are overbuilt, and its infrastructure and neighborhood services are strained trying to serve the burgeoning audiences of its constituent cultural organizations.