During the last ten years the rights of local communities have been constantly violated.
There are many rules and they are constantly violated, resulting in illegal store signs, illegal apartments and illegal decks.
A curfew was imposed on Yendi but was constantly violated by the citizenry.
This trial was also the scene of a real legal battle, in which the rights of the defence were constantly violated.
Some provisions, however, were constantly violated, which could be explained by discrepancies and controversial wording in the two different versions of the treaty.
However, it is clearly just one more case on a continent such as Africa, where human rights are constantly violated.
However, subsidiarity continues to be constantly violated today.
This is a region where human rights are still constantly violated, even in the 21st century.
During the course of his long and non-violent battle, he has always stressed how all these rights are constantly violated in China by violent repressive methods.
"It is an expression that we stand for a Europe based on values and that Mr. Haider has constantly violated those values."