"We are constantly torn between getting away from here and being drawn into a story that mutates and is never ending."
Constantly torn between art and church, he traveled much in Europe, later establishing himself in Amsterdan.
Governments have been constantly torn and divided over how to limit or control the uses of these powerful narcotics.
The Times is torn constantly between touting and panicking.
The focus of the audience is not constantly torn among events competing for attention with one another, as in the three-ring tradition.
Exhausted top aides found their attention constantly torn between the crucial hearings and their principal's political future.
I'm constantly torn between my own feelings of privacy and the need to provide you with information in a form which will expedite communication.
He is constantly torn between needing to please his wife and his desire to crush his opponents in the league.
During the investigation they pick up where they left off, although Rita is constantly torn between trust and distrust, trying to keep an open mind.
Vazakas said he was "constantly torn between the two" kinds of words.