"In 'Patty Hearst,' " she said, "we were constantly swapping notes and ideas, and he really included me in the whole process."
When it is not the case, the operating system has to constantly swap information back and forth between RAM and the hard disk.
When you don't, the operating system has to constantly swap information back and forth between RAM and the hard disk.
If you run them on a machine with too little RAM, they swap constantly and run very slowly.
The truth is that reporters are constantly swapping jobs and assignments and that your contacts may be away when you most need them.
His smug colleagues constantly swap girlfriends, or as they say, recycle them.
This poses some reading challenges as a constantly swapping point of view can sometimes be hard to follow.
It takes its name from the quadrille, a dance in which the participants constantly swap partners.
When you only have the stock 1GB or 2GB of RAM in your Mac, you'll get constant beachballs because it's constantly swapping, even with a relatively light workload.
The race from there to Cape Horn was one of constantly swapping places.