Her self-image was strongly influenced by film executives, who said she was unattractive and constantly manipulated her onscreen physical appearance.
Constantly manipulating lighting, Horst had a way of making subjects majestic, often turning them into icons by making them seem sculptural.
Although quite shy around women, Timothy longs to find love and leave home, but Phyllis is always against the idea, and constantly manipulates her son into staying at home.
"My father is constantly manipulating people," she declared in a 1992 court statement in Tahiti.
During his return to Torrance, he was able to keep the engine running intermittently by constantly manipulating the throttle, mixture, and propeller lever.
Madonna constantly manipulates her looks as if to say, "Don't pin me down."
Throughout their relationship, Schliemann constantly manipulated and took advantage of Calvert.
She constantly manipulated Cable, as well as others, through astral projections and agents, such as Ch'vayre.
The following script is actually from one of my patients who used it successfully with a close friend who was constantly manipulating her into running charity events at her daughter's school.