She also helps paint the cottage, just as her mother constantly demands her to.
"The baby is constantly demanding things of you, but is giving very little back."
His problems were complicated by the fact that the director was constantly demanding more than Ken felt able to deliver.
She complains all day long, constantly demands that the bandages be changed and is generally dissatisfied with everything.
Also, the sprawl constantly demanded more roads, since the ones already built had terrible traffic.
'The trouble is that she's constantly demanding, day and night.'
I only wish that the House were more interested in carrying out the functions which it already has, rather than constantly demanding new powers.
Greek politicians constantly demanded an end to this state of affairs.
He was constantly demanding rewrites, even on the set, so you never knew where you were at any time.
With public shareholders constantly demanding profit growth, "what is the incentive to invest beyond the next quarter?"