Helicopters were constantly circling, their crews eyeing the landscape for the desperate.
For both sexes, the activity level is far lower than during the breeding year, when the birds are constantly circling around their nesting region.
This included a double ring of robot drone planes, which constantly circled above the island.
About Galactic Center a hail of incoming debris constantly circled.
And there was this huge plane, constantly circling.
American helicopters constantly circled overhead as his motorcade made the nearly 11-mile drive to the governor's offices.
"I want gate open," Vreesar whispered, constantly circling her.
Baron was as nervous as he could be, constantly circling back behind them.
They seemed to be constantly circling the world in an earnest attempt to spend the proceeds.
Among the reports our radio intercepted were those from an observer in a light plane that constantly circled over the battlefield.