Why, one would think that Kesin is never fed from the way he constantly begs for treats.
"It is difficult to act as a great power when you constantly beg for aid."
Only after constantly begging his mother, the friends said, did he go back to school.
"We have to beg constantly," he said.
Meanwhile, his fellow Djinn constantly beg him to grant the third wish and let their race inherit the earth.
They have no choice but to constantly beg for money without the luxury of being sure it's for a good cause.
For the first four months, Arlene constantly begged her mother to let her quit, but was rebuffed.
She never seemed to be satisfied with what he was willing to give and her body constantly begged for more.
To keep the boys fed and clothed, he had to beg constantly.
He was now unemployed and constantly begging Nora for a job.