Archroy's mind, alert to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune which constantly assailed him, could see it all in advance: brentonian savaged by budgie.
McKie tried to retain a reasoned attitude, but irritants constantly assailed him.
For a moment he sat there, undecided, then, angry at himself, at the doubts that constantly assailed him, he stood and, clearing the screen once more, hurried out, calling farewell to Nong Yan as he went.
He had the choler of the obese, easily roused and as easily calmed, and his boys soon discovered that there was much kindliness beneath the invective with which he constantly assailed them.
Mr. Prokhanov's newspaper is constantly assailing Mr. Yeltsin, accusing him of representing the ideals of the West and ignoring those of ordinary Russians.
Frightening thoughts constantly assailed his mind.
Both external and internal pressures constantly assail it.
It was a turbulent time for college principals, and many were unable to cope with the urgent demands for change which constantly assailed them - not least from their own undergraduates.