That significant gap has forced Kittles to play this season knowing that his value is being analyzed constantly.
Constantly analyzing energy trends, Peter Tertzakian is often quoted and seen in the media.
Constantly analyze your opponent's tactics, Meridian would say, during those endless days and nights of combat training.
It makes good business sense to constantly analyze the competition and make internal adjustments that will enable you to compete more successfully.
After all, the Japanese themselves are constantly analyzing their own nature.
"A lot of this business is management, constantly analyzing the strengths and weaknesses, trying to take one step forward."
Because people constantly change in terms of technological exposure, the audience to be analyzed constantly changes.
"I'm constantly analyzing the harbors on both sides of the Sound," he said.
Like most serious comics, he takes a disciplined approach to the form and constantly analyzes why funny lines are funny.
Wireless companies constantly analyze signal strength so they know, for example, when to increase the power at their base stations.