To protect them from constant wear, the player must first place concrete slabs in the construction areas.
The controls of a skyhopper formed in front of her, a familiar icon with the illusion of constant wear on the handgrips.
Even though the other pilots respected his skills, the constant wear and tear on Roman's starfighters was legendary.
They looked creased and shabby from constant wear.
It was eventually revealed that he did in fact have a nervous breakdown due to drug use, undiagnosed mental conditions, and the constant wear of touring.
He was wearing a dark robe, made darker by constant wear and irregular washings.
Because laserdisc players of the day were not robust enough to handle the constant wear placed on them by constant arcade use, they required frequent replacement.
Spacecraft in a debris field are subject to constant wear as a result of impacts with small debris.
His clothes were well cut, and had once been good, but time and constant wear had reduced them to a threadbare state.
It appeared to have been honed the same way as the corridors-by the constant wear of some huge form against the rock itself.