Paul's constant watchfulness around white Southerners and his occasional angry outbursts at Lurene's unwitting gaucheness on the subject of race are also carefully drawn.
But there is one thing that may save us all from being prisoners of our own constant watchfulness: surveillance overload.
Night and day, he did not want to go back to the bad old days of radiation badges, quakes, and constant watchfulness back on Vulcan.
He did not need to tell the people of Weald what vigilance, what constant watchfulness was necessary against that race of deprived and malevolent deviants from the norm of humanity.
Purists conceived of masculinity as a never-ending battle, requiring constant watchfulness and careful supervision.
The architecture of Khevsureti is mostly characterized as fortress style and numbers of towers are located in the mountains as a sign of constant watchfulness of their enemies.
This painting captures the cardinal's hardness, his exhaustion, the physical cost of his constant watchfulness and control.
He saved his strength and kept cool, maintaining constant watchfulness against a lunge from Verdugo.
This, however, required constant watchfulness.
The result of our constant watchfulness approached disaster as we neared the left bank of the stream.