Certainly there doesn't seem to be a constant uproar from iPhone 3GS users for performance improvements with every iOS 4.
He loathed the constant uproar of our house and only wanted peace and quiet when he was in the house.
In those deplorable times there was a constant uproar of highway robberies, hijackings, gang wars and other brutalities.
His court was in constant uproar owing to his noisy merriment.
While your nations have been in a constant uproar of change and growth all these centuries, we know you will reach the same point eventually.
To prepare for the 1996 Games, she trained with abled-bodied swimmers, saying of this "They went into a constant uproar.
His office was in a constant uproar.
The cramped hall was in a constant uproar of guests and servants coming and going.
He is mistaken for Bunnu which leads to a hilarious misunderstandings and constant uproar.
She also details the constant uproars within the school itself.