Worf straightened, listening intently, but nothing more than the low constant thrum of the ship's engines reached him.
Outside, the rain was falling harder, the sound of the drops on the roof and windowpanes a constant, dull thrum.
Even the constant thrum of the engines was absent.
The energy generated by the gamblers was a constant thrum on his psychic nerve endings.
Meanwhile, Tain tried to ignore the portals and the constant thrum of the powerful warship, unnerving after the perfect silence of his bunker.
First, there's a faint sound: the gentle thrum of props, like the distant echo of a submarine earthquake, yet constant, more regular.
The air came alive with shouts, blaring horns, the constant low thrum of the city-machine.
The constant thrum of the reactors would cover any small sounds, but even well -trained Jem'Hadar weren't known for their subtlety.
She no longer heard alarms, but she did hear the constant thrum of a ship's systems.
Behind him, he could feel a constant thrum of energy radiating from the Eldunarí.