Another difficulty is in the constant switching of solid octaves to detached octaves.
On most trains, you must shut power off to step down and constant switching between positions can blow the circuits.
Among the many things that puzzled him about Hollywood was the constant switching of writers on a movie.
And because even the best nannies usually stay no more than one year, there is a constant switching of care givers.
Some critics felt that the constant switching between a battle screen and the world map made the games feel faster paced and "deeper".
For the Dutch sheltering in cellars along the perimeter, the constant switching was terrifying.
The constant switching from symphony orchestra to jazz band threatens to become a dueling-banjos routine bent on seeing which side gets the most applause.
The constant switching of positions that became known as Total Football only came about because of this spatial awareness.
He chose "The Texas Star," a simple figure dance which featured constant switching of partners.
In mobile data systems, the vote lock option is preferred because constant switching between receivers causes lost data packets.