During the next two months of the siege constant skirmishes and duels took place between units and individual champions from either side.
In the 15th century the village was depopulated because of the constant skirmishes with Austria.
From that time, constant skirmishes took place with the Manchu people of China.
The men of the 1/ and 3rd battalions were engaging in constant, bitter skirmishes.
The castle and the nearby late medieval bridge were the scene of constant skirmishes during the Civil War in the 17th century.
There have been the constant skirmishes within miles of the brigade's camps, and the car bomb that killed four of the brigade's soldiers on Saturday.
Rather than a battle, the action was a constant running skirmish in which the Seljuks failed to stop the advance of Baldwin's army.
Omani warships were in constant skirmishes up and down the gulf, which kept Sultan preoccupied.
Thus, Zvecan, then situated at the border of the two states, was, from 1091 to 1094, the site of constant skirmishes and border warfare.
During the constant skirmishes, Philip's favorite illegitimate son, Corneille of Burgundy.