"The constant rejection is just so much."
The lyrics address the narrator's frustration at constant rejection as he attempts several different tactics to seduce a woman and sleep with her.
After facing constant rejection from Lori through much of the previous three episode, he has become more agitated and impatient with her.
In "Monster's Ball" a son, unable to deal with his father's constant rejection, commits suicide.
His defense against his family's constant rejection is to deliberately act boorish and mean.
He claims his Indian ancestry played a part in his constant rejection.
He faced constant rejections, had an unstable emotional life, and saw most of his closest friends die tragically.
Commentators have often focused on the constant rejection of Maggie's talents and mannerisms by her family and society.
This is hardly surprising as it takes a very buoyant personality indeed to cope with what appears to be constant rejection.
Despite her constant rejection, he perseveres and it is made clear at the start of 2009 that she has feelings for him also.