"What is the meaning of all this constant praise for him, Arkonide?"
Any slight had to be avenged whilst the king's person sought constant praise, respect and even worship.
For Hagler, who cultivates his enmity toward opponents to get himself in a fighting furor, the constant praise was grating.
Since the show's pilot episode Patty's character and Close's performance are subjects of constant praise.
Mira's profile indicates he'd want constant praise and attention during the game, so it's possible he's got a partner - likely a female, strong personality.
The self-esteem movement has also backfired, Dr. Seligman says, by causing children to become addicted to constant praise.
Rose was closemouthed about her, in contrast to his constant praise of Catherine.
And constant praise is like heroin.
And, you know, no one can resist constant praise.
Children need constant praise in order develop their self-esteem.