In rental use, such tapes deteriorate quickly under constant playing and develop surfaces like sandpaper and their oxide flakes off.
Much of their following has come from their constant playing of concerts at local clubs around Arizona and other cities in the southwest.
The game is designed so that you can level up to about level 25 purely on quests, which can take place within a day or two of constant playing.
Such variety of form, so many kinds of mastery and a constant playing of all the stops between the purely abstract and the clearly human.
He gained his nickname, following his constant playing of Little Walter's track, "Juke".
The new park featured the constant playing of 1950s and 1960s Rock and Roll music throughout the park.
Athena looks vaguely unhappy, perhaps because the constant playing, which involved using her mouth as a kind of bagpipe, has distorted the shape of her lips.
It sounded tinny from constant playing.
The constant playing of the same few tunes drove the musicians to improvise so profoundly.
"If there are copycats who get ideas from the constant playing of these video clips and photos, who's going to be responsible for this?"