The beaming murder master was probably on the constant lookout for such suitable characters.
Navy ships also have the manpower and the desire to keep a constant lookout.
The adobe brown eyes set far apart gave him the look of an animal on constant lookout for a predator.
That smug captain of the guard was on constant lookout for prisoners like him.
He kept a constant lookout for the closest taxi in case they decided to snare one.
On his way to the place, Krengle kept a constant lookout for any followers.
One or more of the men kept constant lookout somewhere down the canyon.
As she goes through the game again, she is on a constant lookout for the ring.
Hal set a constant lookout at the high window of the cell.
She had no more than 20 minutes' sleep at a time during the voyage, having to be on constant lookout day and night.